Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 4th Weekend

This was the first year we took Michael to the fireworks.   We went to Plano and prepared for the fun.  This was something I loved doing growing up, and want my kids to experience the whole pomp and circumstance of the 4th of July.  Michael didn't like the loud booms of the fireworks, just as I suspected but it was a lot of fun.  Minus the fire ant bites we got, and are still dealing with today (7/14).  Nasty little pests!

After realizing our budget couldn't do Nebraska, we still wanted to get outta Dallas for a family vacation.  So we headed south to Houston and took Michael to the Gulf of Mexico.  This was the 1st time Michael had been to a beach and I thought he would be scared of the water because he HATES taking showers.  Boy was I wrong. Michael had so much fun with daddy playing in the water.  It was really fun for me to just sit back at watch.  This is a trip we are going to make again this summer and something we as a family will do yearly.  It was THAT much fun!

Johnson Space Center Houston, TX

We got to sit in actual Mission Control.  OK the observation area, but it was still really cool!
We took Michael to the Johnson Space Center.  We had a lot of fun, and a place we will go back to again, and again.

After the Space Center, we headed out to one of our favorite places for lunch before heading home.  Logans Roadhouse.  Very similar to Texas Roadhouse for all those who know the Roadhouse type of restaurants.  The food was yummy and just the thing to fill our tummy's for the ride back home.


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