8/20/12 -I needed to run to Kroger today to grab a few things while they were on sale. I was running low on dishwasher soap, so I snagged oh about 13 of them. lol
I was also able to get 11x Hefty bags for $.49 each. This is a stock up price so we are set for a bit. The funnest part and one that I had to debate for about 5 minutes in the store was the CLEAR shampoo. I love this stuff and it's great if you have a dry scalp. It was on sale for $4.99 and i just happened to be in the shampoo isle getting my BOGO free Biore item when I saw this AMAZING deal. There were $3 off coupons on the shampoo. Making it $1.99 each. This is an amazing deal for this shampoo and I really had to think if I should get some. I have a stockpile right now of about 2 years worth of shampoo, no lie. But after much debate in my head I decided to snag 2. VERY happy with this trip today.
8/17/12 - Today I went to Target to get a few things for FREE. I am teaching a coupon class tonight for the ladies at my church and I wanted to show them with very little effort you CAN score some items you need for FREE. I show my coupons, shopping list and Target coupon booklet. And I wasn't able to get a few items because I couldn't find them even though the couponmom.com said they were at Target. Oh well, will hit somewhere else. The RoseArt markers I opted for instead of the cheaper $.30 items because I didn't need any more glue, so I did pay about $.50 for the two and the Body Wash for Michael I paid a little for. Everything else was FREE and my total - $2.11
BEST trip yet for me on 8/7, and I typically do pretty good if I do say so myself. So, guess how much Kroger PAID me to take all this home. Yep, I got money back AND a $2 catalina coupon off my next order. That has NEVER happened to me before. Mike thinks I am retarded for taking pictures and posting, but this makes me soooooo happy. Doing the happy dance! lol

Walmart on 8/7 also did me well. $52 worth of items, and paid only $9.
I love getting things for as close to
FREE as possible.
This is a collection of some of my best steals over the year.
If you want to learn how to save, let me know. I am self taught and I love showing others and seeing
YOUR excitement on your savings.
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