Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun Weekend

Kiesha and Theresa were having fun with Michael this weekend, and this is the result.   I thought it was hilarious!  Michael really had a lot of fun wearing the hair and the bonet.  Awh, my little "girl"

It's been so dawg gone HOT here that we got Michael a Cars 2 Slip N Slide.  He LOVED it.  We were out in the back for about an hour just playing and having a good ol' time.  Theresa was the lucky one who got to get all wet with Michael.  lol  I just got attacked by a bunch of fire ants.  WTH???  Those little basterds hurt!!!
We are taking Michael to go see Cars 2 on Saturday afternoon which should be a lot of fun.  As you can tell by his shirt, he is obsessed with them. 
Next weekend it's off to Nebraska for the 4th of July. 


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