Monday, June 20, 2011

Potty Training SUCCESS

Michael has done REALLY, REALLY well potty training this week.   He has filled up his 2nd rewards chart.  Tonight he actually went poop and pee twice. 
For pee pee he gets to put a sticker in 1 square and poop gets 2 stickers.  Tonight was the very first time he went pooh pooh and mommy was SO excited.  I made a big deal out of it because I wanted him to know how exciting it was and how rewarding it was. 
For sitting on the potty - without going pee pee or poop he gets 1 Tic Tac candy.  If he goes pee pee he gets 2 tic tac candies.  For pooh pooh he got 4 pieces of candy.   Who would have known the tic tac's would be a HUGE hit with him.  He also loves the rewards paper I made at work.  And we have a bunch of cars stickers so that is what we use as well.  Once all the boxes (15 of them) are filled up he gets his REWARD toy.  Tonights toy was a talking Tow-mater toy. 
We are doing the same thing at school.  His teacher has the Cars toy I provided as his REWARD.  He has earned 5 stickers there so far.
My little boy is growing up!  And hopefully soon, going to save me money in NOT having to buy Pull-Up's anymore.


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