Monday, June 6, 2011

Potty Training

We have been trying to potty train Michael since JULY 2010.  That is when we started with the pull-up's anyway. 
I thought he was ready and some days he would show some interest.  Well, we decided that turning 3 was going to be a turning point for everyone, and Mike and I are really focusing on working with Michael and getting him excited to go pee pee or poop.  Honestly, I am just working on going pee in the potty.  Michael LOVES Cars.  So we went and got him a Cars 2 toilet seat and I put up some stickers/big ones on the wall in the bathroom by the toilet.  Michael knows if he goes pee in the potty 5 times he can go get a toy that he pick out. 
On Saturday while I was doing my grocery shopping, Michael finally went pee pee for daddy.  They had to call me right away, and I was so excited.  I had already bought "RED" the firetruck at Kroger to display as a reward toy if he went pee pee 5x, but we decided to give it to him so he would be excited to go again. 
I had to go and get Pull-Up's for Michael and they are having a promotion where you by this box of pull-ups you get a Car's 2 Potty training watch. We used that as a reward for Michael this weekend.  He went potty AGAIN on Sunday and got his watch.  He was really upset on Saturday because he wanted the watch and he just couldn't go potty.  Michael thinks if he farts in the potty that counts too, so he was really upset when after 15 minutes I told him he could try again tomorrow.  But he did it!  So proud of him, and I am hoping we have him out of Pull-Up's before baby #2 comes.  That is my only SIMPLE request.  LOL


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