Monday, January 11, 2010

Live from DALLAS..........

Michael was having to much fun with his uncle Mark. Michael was even saying "Mark" and becoming his little shaddow. It was too stinkin cute. I wish Mark and his family would move here as well. We had a great time, and thank him so much for helping us with this big move.

We found this Mall and it was HUGE. It would take you days to explore the entire thing. They even have an Ice rink.

This church is across the street from the memorial for JFK, on Elm. By where the assisanation happened.

Mike's brother Mark is a big JFK buff, so we took him to Elm street where the assisanation happened. This X markes the spot on the street where the car was when JFK was shot. When we were there taking pictures it was funny to see the drivers notice the X and try to avoid it on the street. Kinda hard to do but everyone we saw swirved or changed lanes.

Yesterday we went exploring downtown Dallas. We wanted to goto the aquarium, but by the time we got their we would have only had an hour, so we decided to save the adventure for another time.


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