Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our BIG move to Dallas..... All the details

Now that I have a free second; almost forgot what that was, I will let you all know how the move went. Hold on for the ride......

Our wonderful Haven ward members helped Mike on Friday 1/1 load the last of our 2 moving trucks. When Mike went to get truck #1 from the back of the apartment complex, he was able to drive a few feet then the truck stopped. This truck had taken Mike 3 painstaking days to load and there wasn't an inch of room left for anything and there it was, DEAD in the back of the Copper Creek apartment complex. I thought we were about to cry at that point. Penske sent 2 different mechanics to look at the truck and both insisted it could get fixed without having to reload trucks. After about 3 hours we got word that Penske was sending a REPLACEMENT truck that would have to be reloaded with the stuff from the broken down one. High note: They sent movers, so Mike didn't have to deal with it, but they were not able to get onto the road until nearly 8pm. The 2nd truck was done being loaded by 1:30pm.

We thought the 2 trucks would be enough to get all our stuff to Dallas. WRONG. We ended up having to give things to the wonderful helpers from our ward. The only thing I was bummed about was the changing table for Michael. I was still using it, and had planned on using for the next little Hughes. High note: it was given to us by my former boss, who I DON'T like, so bye, bye table.

Michael and I stayed at Mike's mom's house for 5 days until we flew out on Wednesday 1/6. It was fun watching Michael play with his grandma & grandpa. I did some baking (see post about the kolachie's & monkey bread). Makes me excited to get my kitchen together and start here.

The wonderful electric company of Reliant Energy in Dallas took 5 days to get our power on. They were 5 days late, past the date it needed to be on. By the time they finally pulled their head out of their a$$, I was on the phone with them about 4x a day. I was so freaking annoyed with them. Had we not paid them a huge unrealistic deposit, and had I known that Dallas has multiple electric companies I would have done more research.

Power gets on, and 12 hours later..... Power goes off. "Outage in the neighborhood" Yeah, right. Back on amazingly 5 minutes after we call.

The house we are renting decides to have some plumbing issues in the master bath 2 days after I get here, and few days after the owners go on their 6 month vacation (yeah, how would THAT be??) "Not covered by their home warranty" Finally got fixed yesterday after their property manager had to pay the bill. Made us glad we didn't own this home.

If your ever in Dallas, DON'T drink the water. Or find out if it's filtered first. I almost threw up in a restaurant the first time I had a glass of this most delicious tasting MILDEW water. Mildew is what it tastes like. You know what it smells like, so come to Dallas to see what it tastes like. Freaking nasty. By the way, this even affects the fountain drinks you get in restaurants. Yeah, it's everywhere. If you think Vegas water is bad, you have no idea.

Monday, Michael was starting to act abit off, so I figured he was coming down with something. By Monday night he was crying non stop and didn't sleep hardly at all. I finally got him to sleep in my arms on the recliner. I have never heard him cough like that, nor gasp for a breath. After not being able to find a pediatrician to take him to, Mike took him to Urgent Care, while I had to wait for the plumber (who showed up 4 hours late). Michael has a upper Respiratory infection, and is on antibiotics and confined to the house for the rest of the week.

Because all our stuff is still buried in the garage, I had to go get another humidifier ( i am sure this will be one of the first items we find when we can get to finding our stuff).
Yes, all our non perishable foods, pots & pans, plates, utensils are buried in boxes in the garage. All of which with Mike starting his job on Monday and Michael being sick I have not had a chance to even tackle.

Anyone want to move to Dallas?????


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean by the water. I've gotten used to it. Lara uses a filter pitcher for their drinking water. I hope things get better. Did you go in the Museum on the top floor of the building where JFK was shot? It was really interesting. Remember to check out the Dallas Arboretum and I promise you. Once you go to Fossil Rim ( you will think the move was worth it. Hope things start to go better.
