Thursday, November 29, 2012

Meet Mr. Banana Pants

I have been fighting this ELF for about 2 years now.  I didn't really understand the concept other than I would probably get totally involved in doing this and be stuck for YEARS.  And I was correct, but I understand the principle with Mr. Banana Pants and it's been fun to watch Michael do his best to be a good boy.  Who am I kidding, Michael is always a good boy but he is a bit spoiled being an only child and Mike and I really need to work with that especially after our recent move and Michael's total un-willingness to help with ANYTHING.  Even picking up garbage in the old house when we were trying to clean.  
So one day before Thanksgiving I was at Target and saw the display of ELF ON THE SHELF's and thought why not.  I want to do traditions with Michael and eventually siblings for holidays and this sounded like fun.  So in the basket it went.  SIDE NOTE- a few days later I went back and bought the DVD/Blue Ray of the cartoon and some "supplies" I will need for this mission.

I know your not required to have the elf give gifts throughout the month while he is in your home, but I wanted to make it fun and I really didn't get "gifts" per say, just elf "props"   I have also been pinning tons of ideas on Pinterest.   I have come to the conclusion as dorky as it sounds that I need to do a spreadsheet of what is going to happen each night.  It's to hard to come up with things on the fly.  But I think Mr. Banana Pants is doing a great job and Michael is getting the biggest kick out of where he finds him each morning. 
 This morning in particular was pretty dang funny.
Michael is B-I-G into WWE Wrestling right now, so Mr Banana Pants was in his bathroom sink having a bubble bath/marshmallow fight with Triple H and The Big show with the Undertaker ready to join in.  I went home for lunch and had Big Show put Mr. Banana Pants into a submission hold.  Michael will get the biggest LAUGH with that one.
Here is what we have done so far, in order of appearance from the morning of November 23, 2012. 
Since Michael decided on the name Mr. Banana Pants I thought he would first "appear" with of course a Banana.

Michael got a big kick out of Mr. Banana Pants in his window with Woody, Buzz, Elmo and Grover.
Merry Christmas friends and I wonder what Mr. Banana Pants will be up to this upcoming week??

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