So on Friday it was Mike's turn to go under the knife. Although this was scheduled ahead of time (1 week) it was really nice that it was him and NOT me. I have had my share of hospitals this year and I am "on vacation" from any hospital stay for me. lol.

Mike had some cysts removed from his back. He has had them as long as I have known him so it was time to get them removed. He also had a skin tag removed that had gotten quite large. Found out that it was actually a tumor. Nothing to worry about per the doctor, although we are waiting the pathology results.
Mike was a trooper.
If you know Mike you know he as a great sense of humor. He had all the nurses laughing about how hungry he was. After the surgery in the waiting room he was asking for food. They brought him crackers, and he wasn't amused. He was, and made them all laugh.
He thought they weren't going to release him until he pooped and proceeded to tell the nurses they better bring him a lot more crackers. Everyone chuckled. They even brought him ice cream. When we heard a nurse mention to another nurse about if she wanted to go to lunch.......... what do you think Mike yelled out. Yep, huge laughter from the nurses.
Today when they called to check on him they asked me if he went to get food after because they warned him to be careful because of the anesthesia. "YEP, BBQ was where i was instructed to go to directly after loading Mike into the car" The nurse got a big chuckle.
Mike took it easy this weekend and his stitches look painful. Although Mike tells me it doesn't hurt. OUCH, is all I gotta say.
Well I am glad he is okay and that it wasn't anything major!