Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Squigly

Yesterday I went to the OB for my 1st "official" visit being pregnant.  Which was funny because I have had to go twice before for some spotting.  Baby Squigly has gotten much bigger than last week.  Still looks like a gummy bear and I can't really tell anything on this thing.  I did hear a good strong heartbeat and boy were they moving around.  LOL
The complications I was having with the bleeding turns out to not be baby related.  Just irritated by the baby.  I have a polyp in my cervix that is inflamed and causing the bleeding.  It can't be removed until after the baby is born so that is on the Dr.'s to do list along with making me not have anymore babies once baby Squigly is safely outta mommy.   My Dr. was trying to re-assure me that the polyp most likely isn't cancerous and nothing to worry about.  I didn't worry until she said THAT.  But it is what it is, and I am not even remotely worried.  I just want a healthy baby.
They recorded a really cool video of the baby's heartbeat but apparently it won't play on anything and won't download, so I guess I can't share it. But you can see by the first photo the baby has a great heartbeat.    


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