Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Guess WHAT??

We at the Hughes home are VERY excited to announce that Michael will become a BIG BROTHER on September 11, 2012.

It's been a rough road to get to this point, but we are confident that this little bundle is just as excited as we are!

We welcomed 2012 with finding this news out and wanted to make sure that we didn't have any repeats of last year (miscarriage and ectopic BOTH) .  We are having some issues, that fingers crossed won't result in anything more than a healthy and happy baby.  Seriously hardly any morning sickness just really tired.  So I am happy about this.  To be honest, I am a bit worried.  I was really debating on even announcing this yet, but all good thoughts and prayers in our favor would make me feel so much better.   And if we have to, we will try again.  Yes, I am preparing myself mentally just in case.  2 misscarriages does that to you.  This will be our last baby too.  I am way to old to have to go through this again.  LOL.  Just kidding, but this really is our last one.  Mike and I are so excited about this little guy or girl.  And gender will be a surprise on this one!  If I can convince daddy to hold out anyway. 



  1. Congratulations. I will keep you in my prayers. You are such a great mom. So very excited for you.

  2. Yippie!! So happy for you, we will continue to pray for you and send postive vibes your way :)
