Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Festivities

I haven't done Christmas cards in a few years.  It seems the past few we have always been moving.  Not this year.  Chemenn who took our family photos put this together for us and I think they turned out FANTASTIC.
On Sunday Dec 4th we took Michael to see Santa.  We got him all excited before telling him Santa makes his toys and it's very special.   Michael was squeeling when he finally saw Santa.  He was practically bouncing.  He was telling Santa that he wanted a toy car.  Michael was so excited, he was also acting somewhat "shy" if that makes sense all the while being excited.  When we put him on Santa to take a picture, this is what we got.  HILARIOUS!!!  He looks so mad at us that I LOVE this photo.  Probably one of my all time favorities. 

On Sunday we also took Michael to see the Trains at Northpark (mall)  It was really neat and we had a lot of fun!


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