Tuesday, November 29, 2011


So we are officially getting ready for the holidays around our house.  We put up our inflatables this past weekend and Mike is going to put up the lights this week.  We love decorating, and we are lucky in the house we are renting right now because it's on a busy street(somewhat anyway) so alot of people see our decorations so we have to impress.  lol.
Don't let the greenness fool you, it was FREAKING cold outside when I took this photo.

Michael my rock star
Sorry, this was taken with my POS (piece of s*#$&) cell phone, so quality isn't the best.  lol

Michael loves to sing himself to sleep latley.  I caught this from him and quickly grabbed my cell phone to record him.  We were going back and forth for a bit until I told him to goto sleep.  lol
Oh how I love this little boy!


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