Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crazy things

Some of you may not know, but we have been trying to add to our little family for awhile and have had some real disappointments.  I completely empathize with anyone who has fertility problems. 
We got pregnant with Michael so easily, but we are not so lucky now.  Maybe it's age, environment or we are just trying to hard.  (lol)
We had a miscarriage about 4 months ago, which would have given us a Christmas baby.  Something very special since my dad's birthday was on Christmas.
On July 15 we found out we were expecting again, only to miscarry a week later.  Or so we thought.
This is where it gets interesting, and where I need your help to see if you know of anyone else this has happened to.
I know I miscarried this one.  I have been through it before and it was the same.  My OB had me go back in to have my levels checked because you don't start ovulating until your HCG hormone goes back down to 0.
My HCG levels have continued to rise like they are if there was a baby growing inside me.  - Don't jump for joy yet.  This is where it gets interesting.  I have had 2 sonograms (vaginally) and they have seen NOTHING.  No fetus, no sac, no tubal, ectopic, molar or anything.  Yet my body is still acting like I am pregnant.  
I have to keep going in for blood tests and sonograms WEEKLY until this gets figured out.   I am the talk of my doctors office because nobody has an answer for me.   It is so incredibly frustrating for me.   I have emotionally dealt with losing this pregnancy and I in no way am thinking this is going to turn out good in that respect.  I know they don't see a baby in there, but why on earth is my HCG levels rising.  I feel pregnant too, which is the weird thing. 
I want another baby so desperately, so that is why I want to figure this out before it may ruin our chances to have another baby of our own.   
Have any of you had something similar happen?  What did they figure out?  Do you know someone who had something similar? 
Googling only makes you freak out more because it gives you a whole bunch of different scenarios that will just freak you out so I stopped doing that.
But I would love your feedback.


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