Friday, April 8, 2011

Coupon Queen

Ok, I am so sick of being broke and not really doing anything other than pinching every penney with a very tight budget and having everything on a spreadsheet. Have you seen the new TLC reality show "Extreme Couponing" ? I am hooked, and after only a few days I have quite the stockpile of printable coupons. My first shopping adventure with my new "skills" will be this weekend and I will post my success w/photos. I will also try and share any uber deals with anyone that follows my blog. Also notice my new PAGES above, and see there is a EXTREME COUPONING page. I will keep links to any and all good sites that I will use and recommend.

DEAL OF THE WEEK - In sunday's paper (4/3) there is 1 Similac coupons for $5 off. Walmart has their 1 quart size for $5.47. With your coupon, you only pay $.47 - CENTS


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