Friday, February 18, 2011

Wonderful World

You would never know there was snow and ice on the ground a week ago. This had definitely been a gloriously wonderful week.

So instead of going home and enjoying a few hours of "me" time, I went and picked up Michael for a little mommy and me time. We went for a walk around our new neighborhood, and discovered all sorts of nuts. I think all my neighbors have nut trees. Not sure if we have any in our new house, but we will see. Mike and I did plant some Raspberry and Blackberry bushes last weekend. Those will be yummy when they start producing fruit.

I have Monday, President's day off, and I am looking forward to a little "me" time. Once Michael is at school, mommy is going to the gym for several hours of rejuvenation then off to house cleaning. I am entertaining any and all offers of help for the second part. (ha, ha, ha)

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