Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dallas Winter Wonderland

What a crazy couple weeks it has been weather wise here in Dallas.
Typically I am told Dallas doesn't get a lot of snow, and honestly since we have been here they haven't but when they do, it comes with a gusto.
On 2/1-4 we got such a horrible ice/snow storm that the city was practically closed down.
Mike and I were home most of that week becasue Michael's preschool follow's the local school district inclement weather closures. For all my Utah friends, the snow was NOTHING like you get, and I chuckled about it all but the city has NOTHING to remove/melt the ice.
The snow plows are great, but they use a sand mixture on the roads which does little to nothing about the ice so it was like driving on a skating rink.
It was very stressful with Michael out of school becasue seriously Mike and I could have both gone into work. I am in radio, so regardless of the weather we never close. So a super saturday for me it was getting everything done.
To top off the WONDERFUL weather, our pipes froze in our new house. Old house I should say. Don't laugh, but the main water pipe to the house is OUTSIDE. Seriously. Everything I am used to is they are burried deep in the ground and in my townhouse the main water valve was inside in my closet. We were without water for 3 days. That was fun!
Then yesterday we got another artic blast that closed the schools AGAIN. When Mike told me the schools were closed, I looked outside and saw NOTHING. Seriously no snow on the ground. This town is crazy and hopefully they get it together for next winter. Global warming I think means now that Dallas gets to enjoy snow & ice storms like the rest of the world.
It was fun to stay home, but I have never had to stay home because of 3" of snow.

For some fun photos of what I experienced, click HERE


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