Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A little bit of this, and that

Michael is finally starting to do better after his nasty LONG bout with pneumonia and double ear infection. Although Michael is still on 2 inhalers, his cough sound so much better that I am keeping my fingers crossed the inhalers go away within a month. Every 4 hours gets to be a lot and especially when your 2 year old refuses. He has been a trouper, and can even do the inhalers himself (if we let him, but we don't to make sure he gets the medicine)

Michael started a NEW preschool on Monday. I was worried he would throw a fit and be upset. He did SO well. I even called to check on him and they all told me he was playing, eating and interacting with the other kids. What a relief. Today he was excited to go and I had to practically drag him out to go home. Makes me comforted to know I picked a good school. I really liked his last one, but with our move it just was to far out of the way. And I was beginning to wonder if it was something within the school that was making him sick. He has had a cough since he started there and it developed into the pneumonia. Going to be interesting to see if the cough goes away and how soon. The week I had to have Michael home, his class had over 10 kids out with either bronchitis or pneumonia. I think that is really really odd. But I really liked it there for him and he learned so much from them.

We had these pictures taken in Mid November 2010. Mike when he was a little one had a shirt just like this in a light blue that he wore I am told until it was above his bellybutton. So we wanted to make sure to get a good picture of Michael in one I found at Target. Damit, I wish I would have bought a few more of this shirts in different sizes. Why didn't I?? I keep looking everytime I go into a Target.


1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, they are so stinking cute. How funny that you found a shirt just like your hubby's when he was little (love it!) Also love Micheal's room, so darling!
