Sunday, December 26, 2010

Michael's new Room

We decided to give Michael a "Real" room in our new house. Although we are only renting we are hoping to purchase this home so we figured we could have a little fun. Michael has gotten really into the Disney Car's cartoon, especially Tow-Mater.
I took a monday off of work and painted the slight pink toned walls white and red. The red took like 5 coats, and I even got the paint with the primer. ---- Thanks Carlos! (a friend who so generously gave us $$ for the paint)

We got this really cool wallpaper border to separate the 2 colors, but it wouldn't stick to the walls. So Mike had this great idea to use black duct tape. It actually looks really, really cool. The stickers we got for the walls, adds to the room, as well as the murual we put on a board and screwed to the wall above his bed.
I can honestly say, I never had a cool room like this as a kid. Lucky stinker!


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