Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our day in Paris........... Texas

We took our usual Sunday drive today, and we drove about an hour and 40 minutes to Paris, Texas. It was like all the small towns we have seen so far in Texas, and a beautiful and relaxing trip.

Michael REALLY needed a nap, so we hopped into the car and off we went. Michael was out within about 15 minutes and slept most of the way. Mike and I can't stop looking in awe at how green Texas is and how many lakes there are.

Another fun Texas fact is: 1 - There are Sonic Drive In's EVERYWHERE 2 - There are donut shops EVERYWHERE. It's no wonder Texas has a large overweight population. Even in po-dunk Paris, Texas there were at least if not more than one of BOTH of these. And the donut shops are not specialty ones, they all sell the same donuts. I am convinced that they get them all from the same bakery. Nothing special about them, just that they are EVERYWHERE.

On our way back home, we passed a farmers market, or flea market and we had to stop. Michael was mesmerized with the chickens and the ducks. If we would have let him, he probably would have plopped down and starred at them for hours. They offered to get one out so he could hold it, but Mike and I thought Michael wouldn't have been so gentle. He could have been, but we didn't want to chance it. We didn't stay there long as some of the vender's were closing up shop; we probably got there right at closing and it was FREAKING hot. It was about 108 and Mike and I were like, "whose idea was it to stop anyway??" It was worth it to see Michael with the chickens.

And he got a $1 Bert & Ernie toy. JACKPOT!!!



  1. Did you guys see the Paris, TX Eiffel Tower? It is on the edge of town. It's kinda cool! I took the boys over last year and took pics of them on it, even though it says, do not climb in tower, it is unsafe, lol. And it isn't so po-dunk, It has a Walmart supercenter! hee hee

  2. So fun, I would love to be able to drive for 1hr and 40 minutes and be in Paris (ha ha ha)It was so good to see your mom at the family reunion, it has been way too long! So glad that we have been able to keep in touch, and love seeing all the adventures you guys are having right now! Love ya: Brittani
