Monday, August 2, 2010

Look what I found

I was outside in the back getting ready to turn the sprinkler on, and saw this in Ellie's water bowl. It was a bit dark out, and I thought it was a piece of bark or something in her water bowl. I was bending down to get it out when it moved. Ok, I felt my heart skip a beat and a scream wanting to come out but I actually stayed calm and had Mike and Michael come out to see the froggie.

The thing was QUICK, as it took Mike a minute to catch him, but Michael was so excited. He gave mr. froggie a kiss and then daddy released into our side yard on the other side of our fence.

I am rather proud that I didn't have a freak out. But had I actually touched it to try and take out of the water and THEN it moved......... they would have had to call the ambulance for me. GOD help me, since I have a boy who isn't afraid of anything......


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