Thursday, July 15, 2010

A day in the life

Michael LOVES taking Ellie for walks. Or should I say Ellie likes taking Michael for walks. I love this because usually when it's just Michael and I out for a walk around the block it takes seriously an hour because we have to stop and explore EVERYTHING. It's fun, but an hour!!!! We take Ellie and we are home in 10 minutes. Michael is telling Ellie to slow down almost the entire time, and I am chuckling.
I love these flowers that my neighbors have on their fences. When we get our "real" house I am so going to plant these because I just think they are so pretty.

One of Michael's obsessions is bowling. He will also sit and watch daddy play Wii bowling and/or hand us the remote for the tv/wii and say "bowling"

He will want you to put the pins up for HOURS if you let him

This was the look after nearly 45 minutes of setting them up, I finally said this was the last one. btw- they are disappearing tonight for awhile.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE taking the slow walks where they stop and look at every single little thing. They're learning and soaking it all up. Isn't it so cute!
