Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Alot to do

Can I just say that I HATE packing. What a pain in the buttocks!
We have just 3 weeks left in this god for saken town, but there is so much to do before we go. I don't want to leave the packing to the last second or we won't be able to find anything. Tonight I have been packing up the kitchen and food that we won't eat (canned) before we move. Makes me wish I wasn't as into food storage as I am. I can honestly say that if there is a natural disaster, my family will be fine for a LONG time. At least 2 - 3 months. Pathetic I know, but it's always good to be prepared.

We took Michael to another casino last night who was doing FREE photo's with Santa. They turned out cute, and they weren't blury like the one in Salt Lake. eerrgghh....
There is so much to do, and so many people I want to see before we leave Vegas, but I am afraid that I may not get to say goodbye to any of our friends. Boo hoo, but I know we will keep in touch, I hope.
Can you believe Christmas is next Friday??? This year has seriously gone by so fast, I can't believe it. A lot has happened this year; good and bad, but it's been a wonderful 2009. We can't hardly wait to see what 2010 brings our family.


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