On December 10th I went in for my twice yearly Iron treatment. I am hooked up to this bag for nearly 4 hours of fun relaxation time. lol, it's so boring that I actually dread this. I think I need to invest in an ipad or something to keep me occupied during this time. Nothing like watching a bunch of elderly cancer patients getting their chemo. This may now have to be bumped up to more per year after my latest health hiccup, but I will do what I have to do to ensure I am here to see Michael grown, married and having a family of his own.
Ok, it's not that dramatic, but it could be.
On December 9th I found out what may have caused my previous 4 miscarriages. I have been diagnosed with MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). Click HERE for the big long medical info on this. And THIS for the more understandable one.
On 12/10 my blood doctor advised me that with this new diagnosis, when and it's a BIG if we get pregnant again, I will be on injection blood thinners for the ENTIRE pregnancy with all the risks that come with that.
You know when you find out about a diagnosis, you google everything on it you can. Well I did and it freaked me out a little bit. I was reading about how I am going to have to change all my vitamins that I take and do what I was planning anyway - a lifestyle change in regards to diet and exercise. Funny thing, apparently it's good for me to be in a sauna or steam room to "detox". I don't like either but will be starting one or the other.

Today I went to my wonderful OB/GYN to get the low down on my test results. I have a double mutation of the C677T - whatever that means. Still unsure as to what we are going to do. I have been advised to start taking baby aspirin and continue with my prenatal vitamins along with my B12 injections. In the next few years I will have to start seeing a cardiologist as I am at a higher risk with this mutation of developing heart conditions. Nothing new as my dad and grandpa had heart conditions. I still have another test in january that is more of an out patient procedure to conclude before we weigh any options as to trying for a baby or not.
I would LOVE to know if any of you have this problem and what your regimen has been and if you were able to get pregnant and carry to term a healthy baby.
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