Monday, October 29, 2012

Michael's activities and turning into a little man

I love Halloween and I hope I am instilling that love into Michael.  On Friday 10/26 his preschool had their Halloween party.  I was able to hang out for a few hours and help the teachers get the kids all dressed up.  It was a lot of fun.  Michael was having fun.
This weekend we also bought a couple pumpkins and Michael painted one.  Apparently I need better paint for the pumpkins (note to self) but Michael ended up just mixing all the colors up and painting.  Looked like a puke purple.  LOL, he loved it and we both had some fun.
 Saturday we also had to go clothes shopping for this handsome dude. He has gone through a major growth spurt and all his pants were too short and I really didn't have any warm/winter shirts for him to wear. After hitting a few thrift stores to no luck - they had tons of girl clothes just nothing for Michael we were off to Target. Ended up getting 3 pants and about 4 shirts. This cute ensemble is a church outfit. He wore it Sunday and looked really sharp.
Michael and Mommy also sprung and got haircuts on Friday night.  Michael thought he looked pretty amazing.  - he was checking himself out in all the mirrors.  HILARIOUS!!
In this picture the defination in his face shows me how big he is getting.  He isn't looking like my little baby anymore, but a big boy.
We are busy packing and getting ready for our upcoming move on Nov 17.  I can't wait until this move is done and over.  I am tired of the house we are living in.  Ready for some relaxing and saving so we can buy our own house the end of 2013.
Next year is going to be a very good/busy year for our family with some great things to come.


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