We were very lucky that mother nature here in Dallas has decided to cool things off a bit, but I still think it was somewhat HOT. But not intolerable. When we got back to our car at about 345pm it said 91 degrees, so not too bad.
Michael had a lot of fun on the train to the zoo and once we got to the zoo, boy oh boy did the fun begin. Michael got a super duper reward toy for being so brave at the dentist and who are we kidding because we were at the zoo. He picked a stuffed alligator.
Mommy was having a too hot moment when we got to the penguins so I took advantage of Michael wanting to talk to the little guys to get some shade. I don't do well in the heat, never have and I guess I hadn't had enough water so I was overheated to say the least. But by the time we were ready to go see the elephants and feed the giraffe's I was good to go.
After feeding the giraffe's we made our way to the children's zoo. They had the most AMAZING water feature. Yes, to a hot Michael and mommy this was AWSOME! Michael quickly took his shoes & socks off and jumped in getting all wet.
And NO we didn't have a change of clothes. But after about 30 minutes of water play we made our way to the giant spider web then back to the DART to head back home.
Michael is getting so big. The last time we were at the DALLAS ZOO it was right after I went back to work. That was about a year and a half ago, and boy has things changed. There are 2 Zoo's here in Dallas. The Fort Worth Zoo and the Dallas Zoo. We have been to the Fort Worth zoo a hand full of times and this was our 3 trip to the Dallas Zoo. Michael has gotten bigger and I think he appreciated the zoo more and really enjoyed himself. I think if I would have let him we could have stayed there until they closed today. but Mommy wanted to get home and honestly into air conditioning. Man am I getting old. I need to change somethings lifestyle wise because I need to be able to outlast the kids, and not have to call it a day because I am old and outta shape. But I had a lot of fun today and I really love doing these types of adventures with Michael. I didn't have this growing up and it is something I am and will continue to do with Michael and God willing his sibling. We will do things like this all the time.

AND because I am just the most AMAZING mommy, we had ZOO themed pasta with giant meatballs tonight for dinner. And of course topping it off chocolate cake for dessert. You know what, using fat free greek yogurt instead of oil made the BEST cake I think I have ever had. And the boys didn't notice, in fact I was told it was the BEST ever.
I am trying to secretly change our diets to something MORE healthy and doing it in a lifestyle change so we do this all the time, and Mike is somewhat picky so I have to do it where he can't tell. And AS YOU CAN TELL, Michael LOVED it. lol so SCORE ONE FOR JANINE on the cake.

I am trying to secretly change our diets to something MORE healthy and doing it in a lifestyle change so we do this all the time, and Mike is somewhat picky so I have to do it where he can't tell. And AS YOU CAN TELL, Michael LOVED it. lol so SCORE ONE FOR JANINE on the cake.
That looks like so much fun! I can't wait for Aiden & Noah to get old enough for the Zoo...should be a blast!