Our first project was the MY BOT BUDDY. Michael actually gave me time to read the instructions and get him all set up first. That doesn't happen EVER because he is super excited.
When we asked Michael why he drew a sad face (upside down) he said " I don't know how to draw happy" Mike and I busted up laughing. Silly, silly boy!
I think this Kiwi project has been mommy's favorite. There wasn't as much me help required which I like. Michael was able to do most of this himself so it was fun for me to just sit back and watch. The robot above had a wind up robot (see below of all collection) that went under and it moved across the table. Pretty fun for Michael. Now he has robot best friends as he calls them.
You probably sense a theme with Michael being shirtless when he does his Kiwi Crates. As any typical boy, or the boys in my house. The moment they get home I kid you not the clothes come off. Typically Michael is just in his undies, but lucky for me tonight he kept his shorts on ( not too long though)
Next it was the AMAZING ROBOT
This was pretty cool. The big red magnet moved the robot on the paper maze. Pretty clever Kiwi Crate. I have a link on my RIGHT sidebar if your interested in checking this wonderful service out. Michael has a birthday party coming up for one of his many "girlfriends" and I am thinking I am going to order a special gift for her from Kiwi.
Michael is O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D!
Michael is so cute, and yes I wanna know how you got him to wait...what did you bribe him with hehehe? I can't wait to get started on our Kiwi Crate stuff we just haven't had time to do the safari one and they just sent me an email saying my next kiwi crate has shipped so now we will have 2 of them to do anyways looks like a fun one my boys will love doing this one. I will definitley post pics once we get around to doing them.