After the rough couple of months we have had, and the "help" from our insurance money for the payout out from the nice person who was so kind in totalling my car we decided to head to San Antonio and Sea World for Memorial weekend.
Seeing Shamu was a lot of fun and Michael had SO much fun.
This was from the show I think Azul. The white dolphin was pretty amazing. They had birds flying and people jumping off high platforms. Michael was pretty impressed. This was the last show we did see though. Sea World + Memorial Weekend = A gazillion people. There were SO many people it was completely insane. You couldn't even move. And the fact that after 5 1/2 hours I had a BAD sunburn despite putting on sunscreen several times. - Should have read my RX bottle to warn myself. It pretty much made the sunscreen useless. I had huge welts on my arm, and I was miserable, but having fun. Michael told us he was "to scared" to go on any of the rides so we decided we had enough fun. We headed out and went and saw Men in Black 3 and dinner at Carinos. BTW, Carinos in San Antonio - BEST service we have EVER had at a restaurant. Our server Ryan was amazing. So much so he got a 50% tip ($15) and us talking to the manager. He was THAT amazing and the food - SO good!
On Sunday we decided to check out TRADERS VILLAGE. It's a giant outdoor swap meet. It's a fun place to go check out a bunch of stuff. They had pony rides and after about 10 minutes of convincing we FINALLY got Michael to get on one of them. This was his initial reaction. Looks like he is having fun, huh? lol
After he went around once, this was his reaction. Little stinker!
After Traders Village we headed out to check out The ALAMO. The line to get into the Alamo was INSANE, so we opted out of that and just walked around the grounds.
After the Alamo we took a stroll along the River Walk then headed back home.
It was a fun, relaxing and much needed weekend for us.
Michael starts his first time of Soccer (not counting when he played at his preschool) through the Plano Sports Authority. We are excited and I am sure we will have some fun and funny pictures and video to post soon.
It looks like you guys had a fun trip, I can't wait to take the boys to sea world or disneyland or somewhere fun like that, I am hoping to do that with them later next year. Anyways I am glad you guys could get away you definitley needed that after everything.