Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011 at the HUGHES home

Michael apparently was a good boy this year, because Santa left a bunch of toys.  Michael LOVED the Cars Geotrack as well as his little ninja's as he calles them.  The little kid version of the Marvel superhero's.  GREAT job Santa!!

Michael also got some games.  I think it's time that he learned how to play board games so Santa left some fun ones for us to play together.

Michael and daddy checking out their new toys.
Santa even scored with some homemade peanut butter cookies.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year, and I look forward to all the other with my boys!

Janette gave me the most FANTASTIC dry rub/dry brine for a turkey.  I tried it and will NEVER do another way.  I didn' t have the 2-3 days to merry in the seasonings, just 1 day so I can only imagine how much better it would have tasted.  It was so GOOD.  You use 1 spoonful of salt for every 5 pound bird.  Then you add what seasonings you want.  The store had a fresh herb poultry blend, so I did that and some orange peal zest.  Put all in a blender to mix fine.  Be sure to use the Kosher salt.  Then rub all over bird.  I had also purchased a huge ham(cut up in the freezer) so I used some of the fat pieces and stuffed the bird with that along with Celery and onion.  OMG is all I can say.  So good!


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas you guys, looks like it was a great Holiday! That first picture is seriously it! Also the turkey brine sounds delicious, I may have to steal your recipe if I ever cook a turkey my self (ha ha ha!) Also your candies look so stinking yummy! We miss you guys, so glad that you are doing so well!
