Monday, August 29, 2011

Getting on with it

Today is the first day in awhile that I can actually say I feel a lot better.  The surgery is behind me, I did have a minor hiccup with getting an infection in my incision, but I am on antibiotics and it is looking MUCH better.   - We can start trying again for another baby in a few months, and I finally feel like life is getting back to normal at the Hughes home.  Now I can pick up Michael.  That has been a really toughie since the surgery, and one I can honestly say I haven't 100% followed, but I paid the price for that.  WORTH IT!!   And T-minus 2 weeks until I can hit the gym again and jump on the treadmill and 4 weeks until I can kick it up a notch.
Honestly, emotionally I am over this pregnancy.  Until I hear that EVERYONE is getting pregnant right now and that stings a little bit.  But all I have to do is look at my beautiful little boy, and everything is ok.  I know God will grant me the honor of having another little one and I just need to be patient.  But please forgive me if you hear a scream if  I hear of 1 more friend, celebrity or anyone announcing they are expecting.   I am happy for you, honest. 
It even rained this morning.  It has been so hot here in Dallas for a few months that the rain was such a welcome sight.  I am sure my lawn was loving it as much as I was.  Didn't even mind getting soaked running to the car this morning.
We have a wonderful family in our church who is going through a medical struggle.  Click here
This has been on my mind the past week wanting to reach out to them, but they have so much help right now from family in town and other members of our church.  I gotta figure out something anonymous to do.  Anyone have ideas?


1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are feeling better and that you guys can start trying again in a few months thats awesome. I so know what you mean when you hear that someone is prego and not you its hard to take but yes you are happy for them but no one will ever understand that unless they have been in our shoes. Pat and I are actually trying again its been a few months now and nothing but I have a feeling we are going to have to have help again I was just hoping we could actually do it on our own this time but I am not giving up just yet a couple more months and if nothing then we will go the IVF route again because I m not getting any younger and neither is pat LOL! Anyways hang in there and glad you are up and moving again!
