Monday, March 28, 2011

My oh my - I am ALMOST 40!

If your asking if turning 40 is bothering me, it's a mixed emotion. Looking back, I can't believe I am F-O-R-T-Y! I still feel like the same girl from 20 years ago, albiet A LOT wiser. A brief look at the past 40 years. • I was born on Friday April 2, 1971 in Salt Lake City, Utah • The President of the USA was Richard Nixon • I graduated from Hillcrest High School in 1989. Although I was actively involved in choir in high school, I haven't really sung in anything or for anyone since. • I began my radio career in April 1991 . If you live or have lived in Salt Lake City during the 1990’s and up until 2004, you would have surly heard me on the radio. I used the on-air name of “ Anita Mann” • Lost my dad to health issues in 1997. Someone to whom I think of every single day. • Had a Gastric Bypass in 2003, and lost 147 pounds • Married the love of my life, Michael Dale Hughes on November 27, 2004 • Moved to Las Vegas, Nevada on November 28, 2004 • Had Michael David on May 22, 2008 • Moved to Dallas, Texas on Jan 1, 2010 • Turned 40 on Saturday, April 2, 2011
What I hope to accomplish in the NEXT 40 years

• Have another baby • Buy a house • Be actively involved in watching my children grow up • Continue with my radio career • Become richseriously, I deserve it! • Going through the LDS Temple and being sealed to my family forever • Be able to take yearly family vacations • Watch my children marry and have children of their own • Retire wealthy • Be as active as I can so I can enjoy the grandchildren


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