Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monster Jam

**Photobucket was giving me grief, so the photos are backwards in regards to the events, but you get to see the BEST photo first. ha, ha, ha....**

What an amazing time we had on Saturday. We were able to get tickets through my work, there are some good advantages of working in radio. (Thanks Eric!!)

What a long day as it started as we made our way to Cowboy Stadium at 12pm and we didn't get home until midnight. We got tickets to the pit party before Monster Jam started and got to see the trucks up close and personal.

There were A LOT of people there, and we had a lot of fun and Michael's favorite part was the mini radio controlled cars. If you look through the photos you can see where he is squeeling and the look on another boys face was too cute as Michael was just having a blast.

Something the Hughes family is sure to do every year, as it was so much fun and Maximum Destruction ended the show completley destroyed. AMAZING!!!!


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