Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to Work & Preschool

Today was quite the day for BOTH Michael and myself. Today Michael started Preschool.
I chose a really cool center that has a choo choo theme Imagination Station

Although he will only be going their through the end of the year until we move, I am very happy. Still not 100% where we are going to move too, and believe it or not I couldn't find any day cares near my my new job so I just decided to go to this one. TRUST ME, I have checked out this place for awhile though. If you know me at all, I have had this place checked out and researched for months. I have had "near hires" of jobs for the past few months and Imagination Station was the center I chose back then.
The directors were so impressed with how well Michael speaks and the fact that he towers over the "younger 2s" where he was susposto be it was decided this morning on his very first day that he gets to be with the older 2 year olds who have a better vocabulary. Michael can hold entire conversations with you understanding nearly 100% of what he says in full sentences.
Again, BABIES CAN READ is a great investment for any parent.
I am not sure who was more excited, Michael or mommy. I would say mommy because Michael had a fit when I left this morning. He cheered up quickly though and had a BLAST I was told when I picked him up and when I called during the day to check in.

I have FINALLY gone back to work. 10 1/2 months of unemployment or staying home is enough for me. Please don't judge this comment or what I am about to say.

I wouldn't have given these past few months up with Michael for anything in the world. I have loved watching him grow, learn and discover.
I have also learned that I am NOT the stay at home mom person. I need a life and identity outside of the four walls we call "home". I have never felt so isolated and alone than I have since moving to Dallas. In the beginning when I lost my job I was really hoping that Mike would see how important it is for me to stay home with the kids while they are young and finally come around and support my long desire.
After about 2 months of being in Dallas, I KNEW in my heart that what was best for my family and especially for me was to get back to work.

It hasn't been easy, and I began my search in February/March. Although not full force as one would who desperately needed a job, but just to see what was out there. I also did some soul searching and decided that I wanted to get back into radio. I didn't want to be a manager, or have any type of authority over anyone. I have done that, DON'T LIKE IT. I want to be responsible for me and my abilities and no one else. So I was very selective as to where I applied.
Things happened; car accident, unexpected deaths, bad economy with meager job options which hampered my search, but I kept at it.
Let me tell you, I am so tired of job interviews, promises of "your the one" and giving up and applying at ANYTHING I felt remotely qualified to do.
But guess what?? I ended up with the BEST job and the most closest to salaries of what I was making before.

This is my NEW office. I am the Continuity Director of Radio One here in Dallas. The stations I have are The Beat and K-Soul.

I know practically NOTHING about the music, am one of the handful of white employees, work at the most ghetto-isc malls in town but my first day today was AMAZING. Can't wait to go back on Monday!


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