Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day at the Dallas ZOO

I have been wanting to take Michael back to the Dallas Zoo for awhile, and I figured since school started this week, the crowds would be down. CORRECT. It was so nice and quiet, it was awesome!!

Michael had fun feeding the goats "poop". Yep, he was trying to feed them their poop droppings. Gotta love Michael. The goat actually ate it too. ha, ha, ha

Michael LOVED petting the horse, so I thought it would be fun to let him take a little ride.

Michael had a smile from ear to ear the ENTIRE time. He wanted to go again, and again.

From the Giants of Savanna, the Zoo's newest exhibit, Michael have fun looking at the Cheetah.

Michael and some other kids looking at all the Giraffe's. I actually think the parents enjoyed this more than the kids. It was AMAZING. There were so many of them, in a big wide open space. It was truly like you were in the jungle's looking in on their home. I could have stayed here all day.

The Elephants were amazing too.

Do you even have to ask. I saw this in the gift shop and HAD to get it for Michael.


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