Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From bad to WORSE

Where to even begin. This has been a crazy week here at the Hughes home. Last week, Mike lost a close family member in Nebraska so we took a unexpected trip to her funeral.
We were able to catch up with Mike's family and Michael had fun playing with cousin Kay.
Mike enjoyed getting his Runza fix, as we bought a dozen to bring home and enjoy for later.
We left for Nebraska on a Wednesday night and Mike drove straight through. Bless his heart. It was a long drive as I would discover driving home because we took 2 days. We spent the night in Witicha KS, and on our way home we stopped in Tulsa, OK and ate at Casa Bonita.

Michael LOVED the honey that daddy put on his plate. This is how he ate it. It was stinkin cute.

We got home late Sunday night and we ALL had a great night sleep.

Monday was a crazy day. I needed to go pick up the dogs from a friend of Mike's from work and left the house a little after 3 when Michael woke up from his nap. I even stopped and washed Avalon because she had bug guts all over from the trip. She looked amazing and shinney.

I got to Grapevine, Tx to get the dogs, and off we went to go home. I was only on the freeway maybe 5 minutes when.............. it happened.
The car in front of me stopped and I didn't have time to stop, so I swerved into the next lane to avoid an accident and lost control of the car. This part felt like I was in a movie. I tried to swerve to miss cars and get control back to no avail. I hit head on into the concrete barrior of the interstate at about 40 MPH. The air bags on the driver's side wet off. I was able to get the car into park, and rolled down my window to get help as I knew I left my cell phone at home. I was screaming to someone to check on my baby. I didn't care about me, I needed to know Michael was ok. The dogs were as Harley was on my lap throwing up. (great, just what i needed) I actually thought my arm was broken becasue it looked swollen. I was shaking so bad and freaking out.

Some really great people took my dogs and dropped them off at our house after following me to the hospital. I was loaded onto a streacher and along with Michael we were off to the hospital. Michael was OK, thank God. He only got a scratch under his chin and bruising on his chest from the car seat.
I only managed to get a bad bruise from the seat belt accross my chest, my fingers (knuckles) were all cut up and this lovely bruise on my leg. I got burns on my forarm and stomach from the airbags and bruises I can't even take photo's of, but I am ok. Michael is Ok. My car........................ I am sure she is totaled. That breaks my heart because she was the best car I have ever owned. We should find out tomorrow from our insurance company what the verdict is. Fingers crossed that it can be fixed, if not we will cross that hurtle as with our current financial situation we are unable to even sign for a car.
I do believe everything happens for a reason and this accident was to teach me something.
I am just very grateful that I am alive as everyone told me I was lucky I didn't go over the overpass to the traffic below.............. yeah, that wouldn't have been as fun.


1 comment:

  1. OH Janine, what a horrible week is right. I am so glad that you and Micheal are both safe and that your dogs are ok too. I hope it is good news as well for ya!
