Monday, February 22, 2010


Well, I have been very good about going to the gym everyday, and I am LOVING it! Michael has a blast in their kid's zone and I get 2 hours of me time. I forgot just how much I have missed that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Michael to death but being able to stay home with him since October has taught me a very important life lesson. I am just not the stay at home mom type. Maybe I would feel different if I had more kids, but I feel so isolated. Since we have moved also, I haven't had a chance to make friends outside of church so it's just me and little dude.
We still haven't unburried the garage because of the cold weather, and just being LAZY. Tonight I am going to start tackling it.
Most of Michael's toys are in there as well as all our non perishable foods from Vegas. It's been frustrating and annoying both. I LOVE my husband to death, and he did an amazing job during the move, but I wish I was here to help unload so we would not be dealing with this now. Certain things, you just watch out for and DON'T burry.

At the gym today, I weighed Michael and he was almost 34 pounds and 36" tall. I actually thought he weighed more. He has been eating ALOT latley. The other day for dinner, Mike and I were shocked at just how much food our little boy ate. His belly was huge.... ha, ha.... He seriously ate more than me. I think he would have continued to eat if we had let him.
We know we are in trouble when he gets older. We will both need to go get second jobs to pay for the grocery bill.

Michael showing me where Ellie's nose and ear is. Poor Ellie looks traumatized.

Michael doesn't even care anymore when she growles at him.

He continues to play in there with her. He actually gets upset if Ellie tries to leave.


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