Monday, February 27, 2012

Monster Jam

What a fun night we had on Saturday.  We took Michael to Monster Jam again and boy oh boy did we have a lot of fun!   The boys went and got their photo taken with Dennis Anderson (Grave Digger) who is the most famous driver.  I am told he was super nice.  His son Ryan Anderson drives Son of a Digger as well.  They BOTH did a great show.  Grave Digger won the Racing part of the show this night.
While the boys were out getting Grave Digger's autograph I was to go get Maximum Destruction's autograph for Michael.   Tom Meents was super nice, and kinda cute if I say so myself.  lol.

We got the tickets through my work, so thank goodness or we would have spent a fortune.  Michael made out and got a mini Mohawk Warrior truck (he won't let it out of his site) and a puff Grave Digger toy. 

Below is all the photos.  There are over 120+ so sit back and enjoy!!


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