So with that, we had Michael's birthday party at the house this year and did a fun LEGO theme since this boy of ours LOVES, LOVES, L-O-V-E-S them. I kinda felt bad having it nearly a month past his actual birthday because this kid got confused as to when his actual birthday was. But dang the Lego movie for coming out on JUNE 17th. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do, right?
I found this site on Pinterest that had this really cool template for the invitation. And she posted a blank one so you could fill out your own info. GENIUS!!! So this was his invite. Yes, I am a little OCD about posting personal information, so obviously our address and such are block out on this image, but they turned out AMAZING. I even laminated them and they looked like the real thing. Had Michael not invited to many kids (i will explain) I would have put some cool string to make look like press badges. But I had to talk Michael into inviting his entire kindergarten class, and he was wishy washy on others. So brilliant at the time mommy I was, I put a few extra in his backpack so he could give to his friends he forgot. He gave them all out, and proceeded to ask for more. We were apparently the talk of the school for the party. Michael gave out, showed that many. I was a bit worried.
I got this CrAzY good deal at Toys R' Us on the Lego candy. It was on clearance for .20 a bag. I think I ended up getting like 8 bags which was enough for all the kids to take some home. The mini cupcakes were also a HuGe hit as the kids LOVED them and kept eating them. We had Pizza and water for the lunch during the movie and bags of popcorn as well.
Another great Pinterest idea to decorate Lego heads. Kids weren't as thrilled with these as I thought they would be. They had them done in less than 5 minutes. WTH??? seriously. This took a lot of thought and work actually on mine and Mikes part. Oh well. ha, ha, ha.
Michael scored on all the Lego's he got. Between him and daddy, they had them ALL put together in less than I wanna say 3-4 days. Seriously and he got TONS of Lego's. Silly boys!
So to kill time until the parents came to pick them up, we poured Lego's out on the tables and let the kids have some fun. GREAT idea! Until they thought they could take them home.
First party in our new house, with his new school friends and we were starting the rule of only parties every other year thankfully because this was a TON of work, but totally worth it. I was free after this one until he is SEVEN!!! Yeah - that isn't going over too well right now, and ESPECIALLY after the party and the HUGE Lego stash he got.
I have all my Lego ideas from PINTEREST here and here

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