Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas "Candy" traditions

So today I took off of work to honestly use up my vacation time, but I also took advantage and started a family tradition I want my family to look forward to.
I know it's not the healthiest, but I honestly don't care.
As a little girl I remember going over to my grandma's house at Christmas and she would have made homemade fudge, divinity, peanut brittle and more.  I LOVED it.  I was never a Christmas fan even as a child but I loved the candy my grandma would make.

Today I made Divinity.  Instead of putting in Pecans like the recipe called for, I crushed up some candy canes.  OMG, it turned out so good!  Hopefully it will last to give to Michael's teachers and other people.

I also made 2 different kinds of homemade fudge.  A creamy peanut butter and a regular chocolate fudge.  The peanut butter one is AMAZINGLY good.  The chocolate one, I have to experiment with other recipes.  It's good, but not as good as the peanut butter one.

I am also going to dip some store bought ginger snap Christmas cookies in chocolate.

Merry Christmas my friends! 


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