Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Emergency Surgery

This past week has been a lot of fun, NOT! 
Last Wednesday after work I wasn't feeling too good.  So I thought we would go to Cici's pizza for dinner because it was cheap AND of course I had a coupon.  LOL. I wouldn't have to cook and clean up the mess, so it sounded perfect.
We got home and I continued to not feel to great.
By bedtime I was pretty miserable.  I was taking Tylenol to try and take the edge off, to no avail. 
If you read my earlier post, you will understand more about what is going on with me medical wise.
Anyway, it just felt like menstrual cramps x100.  Best way to describe it.  I woke up Thursday feeling 1000x worse and realize there was no way I was going to make it into work.  I called my boss almost crying because I seriously hurt and I was trying to breathe.   Then I needed to get Micheal dressed and ready for school.   Not sure what I was thinking there, or not thinking.  We could have wrecked with as much pain as I was in.  But I got him there and he was safe and sound.  On the way home I called Mike and asked him if he could come home to either take me to the doctor or the emergency room.  At that point, I didn't really care.
After trying my Dr's office for 15 minutes - their service was still answering phones AFTER their office was open (HOW RUDE)  lol, I had them back line me into the office to the doctor directly.
They were getting me in at 11am for another sonogram.
This was 2 hours away, were they kidding?   Ok........ breathe............
Once I got to the doctors office w/Mike everything moved quickly.  Do ya think?!?!?  I was taken back to have my sonogram and after 4 that showed NOTHING, this one finally showed the problem.  I wasn't expecting a miracle baby to appear so I just wanted them to see anything at this point.
I had just had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy starts outside the womb (uterus). The most common site for an ectopic pregnancy is within one of the tubes through which the egg passes from the ovary to the uterus (fallopian tube). However, in rare cases, ectopic pregnancies can occur in the ovary, stomach area, or cervix.
Because it ruptured, and I was bleeding internally, I had to be rushed to the hospital(next door) for emergency surgery.  Because I was stable, and the bleeding wasn't massive at that point they opted to admit me Thursday morning for surgery on Friday morning. 
I actually think the pre-op crap was worse than the actual surgery.  I was pretty dehydrated, so they had a hard time drawing blood.  My veins kept collapsing.  By the time Mike brought Michael to see mommy they had attempted 5x and I had had enough.  It felt like they were hitting a nerve everytime.  I was trying to tell Mike that they couldn't try any more, and I had a full panic attack and was hyperventilating  IN FRONT OF MICHAEL.   I couldn't breathe at all, and Mike had to call all the nurses into the room.  Here they all come RUNNING thinking they were going to have to put a tube in to help me breathe.  Both my Michael's were freaking out.  I was trying to yell to Mike to get Michael out of the room. 
They gave me a xanix at that point.   Really, now??  I told them no more trying to get blood.  I was done.  They would just have to do with out it.
They called the Anestelogist (sorry about the spelling) in and he was a freaking GOD.  He numbed my hand before he dug for a vein.  Why the hell didn't they use him the first 5 times.
Surgery went well.  I lost my right tube and ovary, but according to my doctor, I should have an easier time getting pregnant next time. The thought of getting pregnant right now is so unappealing, but we will be trying again in about 3-4 months.  And if we have another bad time of it...... we are going to adopt.  3 miscarriages in 4 months is enough for me.  Yes, this was a twin pregnancy.  We lost the first one in a natural miscarriage 4 weeks ago and thought the pregnancy was done.  SURPRISE.  The twin decided to get lodged in my right tube.

I was in the hospital 4 days.  They finally spring me on Sunday morning.  It was great to go home.  Now I get to relax and take it easy for 2 weeks.

My mother-in-law flew in Friday to help with Michael and he got SPOILED from grandma.  They had a really great time together.



  1. Janine I am so sorry to hear about your loss, and to hear about your miscarriages that is awful! I don't know what its like to miscarry but I do know what its like trying so hard to get prego and nothing for years so I feel ya on that end. Anyways I hope all goes well and you can get pregnant easy this next go around and it all goes well.
    Pat and I have just started trying and we are praying for a miracle this time that is can happen on our own and no fertility help we will see! Anyways hang in there and get some rest!

  2. Oh Janine, I am so sorry to hear what you guys have been going through. There is nothing worse then wanting a baby so badly and knowing that it really is in God's hands. I am so glad that you are ok and safe, but it still doesn't take the pain away. We will all keep you and your darling family in our prayers. You are such an amazing example of strength and you have such an amazing family I know that things will work out...sometimes it takes time and a lot of pain. I love keeping up with your family on your blog so keep on posting and know we love you!
