Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Michael turns 3

Happy birthday to my most WoNdErFuL son!

These were the cupcakes I made to take to his school class today to celebrate with his little friends.

Michael got some NEW "silly racecar" toys for his birthday. You have no idea how much he LOVES these little guys. Can't wait for the new movie to come out in June. Michael also got a really cool Crayola art table with a bunch of paints, crayons, paper and fun stuff to make a mess.

Michael has 2 NEW girlfriends. Kiesha and Theresa. Kiesha is the daugher of a really old and dear friend of mine. She along with her friend Theresa are staying with us for a little bit and Micahel LOVES them. He instantly called Kiesha his girlfriend. He has a STRONG love for girls with darker complexion. It took a bit longer to warm up to Theresa, but he loves her just as much now. It's really cute to watch.

As a mom, it's really important to me to give my kid(s) a very special birthday. So for about a week leading up to Sunday's birthday I kept dropping hints to Michael. So by the time Sunday came, he knew exactly what day it was. He proudly held up 3 fingers and said it was his 3rd birthday.

After the boys let mommy sleep till 10am (THANK YOU) I got up and made us pancakes. Yummy! Then we got ready and headed out to have some bowling fun!
Found a really great bowling coupon and we played about 2 1/2 games and enjoyed pizza and sodas for all for several hours.

After bowling, Michael got to use his money from Grandpa Hughes and Grandma Baker and choose anything he wanted at Toys R' Us. Of course it was more silly race cars from Cars 2.

I am pretty sure Michael had a fun day, and I can't wait for next year when he will get his first friends party. That should be a lot of fun!

Notice our NEW family pictures along the RIGHT of the blog. That is from our celebration as well!


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