Thursday, May 27, 2010

Salt Lake trip

It was so great to be back in Salt Lake, even if it wasn't for the best of circumstances.
I am still in shock about my good friend Chris losing his battle with cancer, but I know he is with our heavenly father and reunited with his dear mom.

We decided to have Michael's 2nd birthday party while up in Salt Lake. This makes 2 for 2 of his birthday's traveling and in Salt Lake. I made a promise to him that next year we would stay put and have a fun bday party with his friends.

Michael even got a chance to "play" with grandpa's corvette. My 3 Michael's do love fast cars. Grandpa didn't even mind the thousand fingerprints all over his black shiny sports car.

While up in Salt Lake I decided to take Michael to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. What a fun place. I thought for sure Michael would leave kicking and screaming.

We also went to my sisters in Saratoga Springs for a fun afternoon of swimming. Michael haden't been in a pool since we moved from Las Vegas, so he was a little scared at first but he had a blast. Especially with his new buddy, my niece Kasie.

We also got our new car. Avalon's replacement from the accident. Mike's dad helped us get a 2005 Jeep. It's really nice, and great to have a SUV again.

It's great to be home. After 5 states and 3 day long road trip, we are enjoying 98 degrees and high humidity. Gotta love Texas!


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