Thursday, April 22, 2010

Michael's NEW bed and other ramblings...

So we got Michael's "new" race car bed on We had the bed about a week because of our unexpected Nebraska trip before we set it up. Believe it or not we were able to store his crib underneath the bed. Pretty cool. Michael LOVES, LOVES his bed. I thought we would have a few sleepless nights with putting him in a bed but he took to it very well. In fact Mike and I think he is actually sleeping better. He has so much more room.

We got this pretty cool sign up in Nebraska and put it above the bed. Goes PERFECTLY don't you think?

Michael drags alot of his toys up there to play with too. It has taken him about a week and a half but he finally figured out how to get out of the bed by himself, so in the mornings you just hear him trying to open the door. I know we only have a matter of time with that one.

He also loves his dinosaur sheets. That is one kid who is totally into dinosaurs.

This year is the first time we have started to celebrate holidays with Michael. I figured he was young enough he won't know and I am not a big holiday person, so this was his first official Easter bakset. Holy cow you thought he would have won the lottery. He LOVED his Thomas train and his candy. That boy is a candy-a-holic. Most of the candy was gone within I think a day and a half. His basket was also full of toys like bouncey balls with dinosaurs(of course) and bubbles with a cute little contraption to make lots of bubbles.

The bubbles dissappeard shortly after because it made a mess............ ok, lesson learned with cheap bubble makers.

Mike has done a really great job on the Swing set. I have pictures of the progress and once it's all done I will post his work. Michael loves his race car swing.

Our insurance company has totaled our car, so we are trying to figure out what we are going to do now. Our current financial situation is not too good, so hopefully we can figure something out soon before we only have 1 car. April has been a crapy month so far, so lets hope May is better.

Oh yeah, it will be better.................. my little boy will be turing 2 years old.


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